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Performing Arts Program

At Calvary City Christian Academy and Preschool, our Performing Arts Program is dedicated to discovering and developing every student's talent from preschool through 12th grade. Students are immersed in various artistic learning opportunities such as drawing, singing, writing, spoken word, acting, hip hop dancing, worship dance, ballet, gymnastics, scenography, design, and production. This comprehensive approach ensures that each student's unique gifts are nurtured and celebrated.

The Annual Christmas Presentation is a highly anticipated event that brings together all our students in a grand production. The primary purpose of this presentation is to boldly proclaim the Gospel message of the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in a creative and artistic way. This event showcases the diverse talents of our students, including screenwriting, acting, singing, dancing, stage production, marketing, and media production. Thousands gather in Calvario Church’s sanctuary to experience the magic of this production, which features songs, acting, lights, videos, animation, special effects, and surprises. The Christmas presentation is a testament to the hard work and creativity of our students and staff.


The Talent Show is another major highlight of the Performing Arts Program. Each class and grade level choreographs and presents an original performance, celebrating the unique talents of our students. Friends, family, and the community fill the sanctuary to support and enjoy these performances. The funds raised during the Talent Show go to supporting local, outreach, and international missions. Through their participation in this event, students contribute to meaningful causes, learning the importance of giving back and supporting those in need.

The Performing Arts Program collaborates closely with the High School Creative Media Program to execute all presentations. This partnership allows students to integrate their skills in live production, marketing, photography, and videography, ensuring professional-quality events. The collaboration enhances the overall experience for both performers and the audience, demonstrating the power of teamwork and interdisciplinary learning.

Open House